fair made for you
Handed By products are all braided by hand. We believe it is important that Asian customs and customs are respected. We do not work with cold production factories, but with the craftsmen themselves. We offer permanent work to approximately 300 qualified craftsmen. Most craftsmen are women who work from home. After the work on the fields is finished or when the children are at school, additional income is generated by braiding Handed By products. At home, with their husband, together with the neighbor on the porch or with a group of weavers in a central room in the village.
fair made for you
We visit our handcrafters every four to six weeks to discuss product and material developments, carry out quality checks, inspect working conditions, and nurture the partnership. We guarantee that our products are not made by child laborers. Since the women are able to work during school hours, the children can attend school.

fair made for you
We offer regular work to approximately 300 qualified handcrafters. Women with a love of their trade and who are deeply engaged in Handed By. All handcrafters work under healthy and hygienic conditions and receive a fair wage. Since we guarantee continual work, these weavers are able to improve their circumstances considerably. For example, they are capable of providing for the health, safe housing, and education needs of their families and communities.
fair made for you
We work intensively with honest and personal partners that often have small businesses and believe in our vision: to conquer the world with traditionally produced baskets, bags and other items, made of recycled materials as much as possible. Our point of departure is to develop long-term relationships based on equality and trust. We have earned that trust gradually. By making significant investments in training, knowledge and quality, we now work exclusively with a core group of loyal partners.